This 20-hour class is designed to give trainees a basic understanding of programmable logic controllers and their functions. After completing the course, trainees will be able to competently get online with a PLC, understand some of the common logic used in PLC programming, make minor online programming edits, and troubleshoot using a ladder logic program. Register TODAY! The class will be mostly hands-on lab activities with some lecture/demonstration each meeting. This will be a PLC basics course, and will be more focused on using the software as a troubleshooting tool rather than going deep into the PLC programming language itself. Topics Covered: Basic functions and components of a PLC Introduction to ladder logic Basic instructions used in ladder logic Getting online with a PLC via ethernet Writing a ladder logic program Uploading and downloading a program Online and offline program editing Understanding common advanced programming instructions Troubleshooting using ladder logic
Tuesday Dec 5, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
December 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14 & 15, 2023 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM each day Regional Training Center Sorma USA 231 N Kelsey St Visalia, CA 93291 Regular Price: $500/person ETP Price: $20/person. Most companies qualify for ETP. Contact us today to see if you qualify!
Phone: 559.688.3130COS: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
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COS: Programmable Logic Controllers (...